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Tooth Injuries

By Bjarne Lühr Hansen PhD, MD and Philipp Skafte-Holm MD, Mentor Institute

Tooth injuries are most often caused by falling or a blow to the face. The injuries include everything from small bleedings from the gums, a loose tooth and one or more teeth being knocked out.

The most important thing to do is to determine whether the damage is to the milk teeth or the permanent teeth. Since milk teeth are replaced in time it is rarely necessary to treat loose or lost milk teeth. If it on the other hand involves permanent teeth, treatment is always necessary.

It is always recommended calling the children’s dental care to make sure whether an X-ray is necessary. The X-ray should be taken in the interest of the insurance. Remember always to report tooth injuries to the insurance company.

Click here to read about how you evaluate your child

What can you do?

The smallest injury consists of small bleedings from the gums. In this case there is no need to worry or for special treatment. A bleeding can be stopped by letting the child sucking on an ice cube. Neither do loose teeth need treatment.

Contact the doctor tomorrow

In the case of loose and sore teeth. If a milk tooth has been knocked out (it cannot be put back in). in the case of injuries to milk teeth. If a chip has been knocked of a permanent tooth. If the tooth after some time becomes discoloured.

Contact the doctor immediately

Call dentist or emergency room:

If one of the child’s permanent teeth has been knocked out. A lost tooth can be put back in. Two conditions are crucial for a good result. First of all, the tooth must be put back within one and a half hour after the accident. Second, the tooth must not dry out. You can prevent the tooth from drying out by keeping it in some gaze wetted with physiological (lightly salted water) saltwater. If you do not have any physiological saltwater, the tooth can be kept in the mouth behind the bottom lip.