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Illnesses and Day Care/Day Nursery

It can be difficult for parents to arrange care of their ill child. Some parents choose to solve the problem by administering paracetamol to the ill child in the morning before taking it to day care/day nursery. But a child is not cured by paracetamol. If a child attends day care without being fully well, it has an increased risk of contracting another illness because of a weak immune system and the child will also risk infecting other children in the day care/day nursery. It is a shame for both the child and the other children in the day care/day nursery.

The principal rule is that ill children should not attend day care/day nursery and that a child with an infectious disease should not be allowed to attend until it is non-infectious. This will, in most cases, mean that the child can attend day care/day nursery when it is well. The child is well when it can participate in its usual activities without extra care.

Further reading on Medicating in the Day Care/Day Nursery