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Well-being and Growth

Children do not grow at the same constant rate. The first year, the child triples its weight, hereafter it gains weight at a lower pace. Growth in height is most significant the first 2 years where the child grows around 30-40 cm. Up through childhood and until puberty sets in, the child grows about 5 to 6 centimetres a year. Puberty sets in with a final sprint with a growth of 8 to 10 a year.

A child’s growth – the increase in height and weight – tells you about your child’s well-being. If the child grows as it is supposed to, it means that you child thrives. If the child does not grow as it is supposed to, it is a signal of danger and can indicate an illness. It is important to realise that children cannot be compared. Some children are small, others tall and some are fat and others are skinny – just like parents are different.

It is the child’s personal growth that is important. A child that weighs 2400 grams at birth will – if it grows as it is supposed to – weigh 6,5 kg when it is 6 months old. While a child that weighs 4500 grams at birth will weigh 10 kg when it is 6 months old. The bigger child will therefore gain more in weight than the smaller child even though both children has gained weight as they are supposed to – they are both thriving.

On the left you can click and find your child’s age and sex. Here you can see how much your child is supposed to weigh and how tall it is supposed to be – when it is thriving. Here, you can also read about different causes of why your child is not growing as it is supposed to and read about when to contact a doctor.

Further reading on Boys 0 - 5 Years