Developed by

Boys 6 - 18 years

Weight in kg

Age Small child Middle child Big child
6 years 17.5  21.2 26.2
7 years 19.0  23.2  29.0
8 years 21.5  26.0  31.0
9 years 23.5   28.5  34.0
10 years 26.0   31.0  39.0
11 years 28.0   33.5  43.5
12 years 30.0   37.5 48.0
13 years 32.0   42.0  57.0
14 years 35.0   48.0  63.0
15 years 39.0  54.0  67.0
16 years 45.0   60.0  70.0
17 years 50.5  63.0  70.5
18 years 53.0   64.0  71.0

Most children (95%) will be somewhere between small and big child.

Height in cm

Age Little child Middle child Big child
6 years 108  118 128
7 years 113  123 135
8 years 118  129 139
9 years 123  134 144
10 years 128  138 150
11 years 132  143 156
12 years 136  148 162
13 years 140  154 171
14 years 145  161 178
15 years 151  168 183
16 years 158  174 187
17 years 164  178 188
18 years 167  179 189

Most children (95%) will be somewhere between small and big child.

Further reading on Girls 0 - 5 Years